+1 (858) 337-5366 Lisa@MagickHealer.com
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you are ready for the best version of yourself.

Unlock your inner power and discover the ancient healing art and teachings from the Lineage of King Salomon. Combined with modern alternative psychotherapy techniques from ‘Neuro-linguistic Programming’ (NLP), you can experience a transformative journey toward true awakening and inner peace. The change is immediate.

Step into the light that makes you shine and start discovering your mind, body, spirit, and soul growth. Book a session today to begin your magical healing journey. Let me guide you on this sacred path of healing and transformation.

I believe everyone has a unique life purpose and can fulfill their true potential by remembering their original soul contracts and true identities. By igniting and inspiring your inner sparks, you can move towards becoming the best version of yourself, or what is known as “Adam Kadmon,”— the perfect human, in Kabbalistic teachings.

You are here because you are ready to step into the best version of yourself. Let’s go!

Signs of Soul-body Stress & Disconnect

Hopelessness, Anxiety, Depressive Outlook in Life

You are feeling emotional numbness, loneliness, emptiness, powerless in life. Or things are out of your control and/or lack of motivation to make any changes.

Feeling Stuck on Your Path of Transformation

Do you notice the same old pattern of incidents keeps coming back to you, over and over again, no matter what you do.

Knowing You Can Be So Much More Than This

Feeling profoundly dissatisfied, or unfulfilled in your personal life, career, or relationships. Wondering why you wake up to the same life day after day.

Overthinking and Rehashing Past Moments.

Continuously rehashing a past event to create an alternate reality, leads to social awkwardness. “I shouldn’t have said or done that…,” “Why did I do that?”

Effective Energy Healing = Ancient Sacred Rituals + Modern NLP Therapy

From Reiki to NLP to Life Activation ritual, explore the diversity of my services. Together, we will clear your energetic fields, getting to the root cause of traumas and blockages and rewire your neural pathways, and regain your true identities.

A Holistic Approach to Wellness

Your mental health is a symptomatic manifestation of your whole self.

During our initial consultation, I can customize a personalized life coaching program, based on Hypnosis, Mental and Emotional Release®, sacred spiritual rituals, that focus on the whole person — mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually within your supporting ecosystem.